The Assange affair generated countless hearings over the years. His return to freedom in Australia closes a massive chapter in English law. Julian Assange (pictured) was perhaps not the easiest of clients. Andrew O’Hagan in The Secret Life: Three True Stories describes his appointment as ghost writer of the autobiography of Julian Assange. This meant he was in close proximity to the man. The legal team made strenuous efforts to look after their tricky client, but it didn’t take long for the Australian to refer to them as ‘c*nts’. Despite receiving a fee discount Assange remained unhappy citing ‘little cuts £20,000 here, £40,000 there, but the bill remains disgusting’. Their ways parted shortly afterwards. The intended literary agent for the book chipped in with: ‘Nobody pays their full lawyers’ bill.’ Oh really?
Promotion commotion
The Judicial Conduct Investigation Office (JCIO) has overnight become so much more muscular and transparent. Picken J applied for promotion to the Court of Appeal a few