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Vining and others v London Borough of Wandsworth [2017] EWCA Civ 1092, [2017] All ER (D) 02 (Aug)

Marc Weller reviews the Arab Spring as it enters its third year

Specifies what are “relevant earnings” and “excluded amounts” for the purposes of estimating the relevant earnings amount described in sections 270B and 318AA of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 (ITEPA) inserted by Schedule 8 of the Finance Act 2011.

Responding to Ken Clarke’s proposals, Susan Brown, a director at Prolegal, says: “The proposals on ending recoverability of success fees and after-the-event insurance premiums are of course intended to save public money, primarily to the NHS, but also to local authorities.

Jennifer James reflects on events in Japan with a heavy & open heart

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is calling a halt to firms that offer cash incentives to prospective compensation claimants.

The International Family Law Group (iFLG) has announced that two family law professionals have joined as consultants to its family law practice.

John Benstead explains why industry needs to be armed & ready for the Bribery Act

Rod Lambert & Christopher Reekie revisit Directors’ Disqualification Orders

Chris Baguley, Managing Director of Bridging Finance Limited, has been appointed the new Chairman of Pro Manchester and promises to help the organisation move “back to its roots” as a business development organisation.



NLJ career profile: Liz McGrath KC

NLJ career profile: Liz McGrath KC

A good book, a glass of chilled Albarino, and being creative for pleasure help Liz McGrath balance the rigours of complex bundles and being Head of Chambers

Burges Salmon—Matthew Hancock-Jones

Burges Salmon—Matthew Hancock-Jones

Firm welcomes director in its financial services financial regulatory team

Gateley Legal—Sam Meiklejohn

Gateley Legal—Sam Meiklejohn Premium Content

Partner appointment in firm’s equity capital markets team


Law school partners with charity to give free assistance to litigants in need

Magic circle firms, in-house legal departments and litigation firms alike are embracing more flexible ways to manage surges of workloads, the success of Flex Legal has shown

Walkers and runners will take in some of London’s finest views at the 16th annual charity event

Law school partners with charity to give free assistance to litigants in need

Could the Labour government usher in a new era for digital assets, ask Keith Oliver, head of international, and Amalia Neenan FitzGerald, associate, Peters & Peters, in this week’s NLJ
