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NLJ this week: When to use a single claim form in group litigation

26 July 2024
Issue: 8081 / Categories: Legal News , Profession , Class actions , In Court
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Group litigation, also known as class actions, is on the rise

As Charlotte Hill, LSLA committee member and partner at Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP, writes in this week’s NLJ, ‘The increasing trend in group litigation can be attributed to factors such as access to third party litigation funding and technological advancements, underscoring the evolution and acceptance of this practice in the UK’.

That said, group litigation in this jurisdiction has a long history, which continues to inform its present use. Hill, a committee member of the London Solicitors Litigation Association, covers the recent case of Morris and others v Williams and Co Solicitors, where 134 claimants sued their former solicitor for negligence. Could a single claim form be used?

Hill’s article highlights why ‘understanding the principles set out in Morris is essential’. 

Issue: 8081 / Categories: Legal News , Profession , Class actions , In Court
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