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LexisNexis publishes a range of magazines and journals covering specialist subject areas. New Law Journal (NLJ) covers litigation & dispute resolution.

NLJ is funded by subscriptions and advertising - to ensure that we can sustain this model the majority of the content on www.newlawajournal.co.uk is behind a paywall.

We welcome articles and ideas for consideration. Please send your article or précis of the article to the editor of the magazine (jan.miller@lexisnexis.co.uk). Articles from pupil barristers/students/trainee solicitors cannot be accepted unless co-written with someone suitably qualified, ie legally trained or an academic in the legal field.

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NLJ is a weekly publication reporting on recent developments within the dispute resolution and civil litigation arena. It provides independent analysis and comment written by experts in their field, together with the practical implications of new case law and legislation.

Subscriber base: solicitors, barristers, in-house lawyers, large corporations, business owners, government lawyers, the judiciary, academics, students and LiPs.

  • The maximum word length is c1,900 words (two pages in NLJ) per article; c1,600 words for 1.5 pages. The minimum word length is c900 words (one page).
  • Please provide a short summary (ie two or three bullet points) of the article’s most relevant points and/or practice points.
  • The piece should not be overly technical, but practical, engaging and practitioner orientated.
  • Please provide a short summary (if relevant) of any potential COVID-19/Brexit implications.
  • Please use single quotation marks and single spacing.
  • Law should be set in context; the article should contain analysis and comment.
  • Articles are not to be used overtly as ‘show cases’ for firms or chambers.
  • We do not run footnotes: please remove / incorporate footnotes before submitting any articles.
  • Bullet points, etc, sub-headings and tables should be used wherever possible to break up the text.
  • The end shot should consist of the name of the author and firm/chambers. It is taken as read that the author is a specialist in the area s/he is writing on.
  • Cases should include full citations, preferably with an All ER reference. If a case is unreported please provide the hearing date.
  • Authors are e-mailed proofs for their approval and corrections.

Terms for Authors

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Let us know if you have any queries, otherwise submission of an article for publication will be assumed to mean acceptance of these guidelines. 


NLJ career profile: Liz McGrath KC

NLJ career profile: Liz McGrath KC

A good book, a glass of chilled Albarino, and being creative for pleasure help Liz McGrath balance the rigours of complex bundles and being Head of Chambers

Burges Salmon—Matthew Hancock-Jones

Burges Salmon—Matthew Hancock-Jones

Firm welcomes director in its financial services financial regulatory team

Gateley Legal—Sam Meiklejohn

Gateley Legal—Sam Meiklejohn

Partner appointment in firm’s equity capital markets team


Walkers and runners will take in some of London’s finest views at the 16th annual charity event

Law school partners with charity to give free assistance to litigants in need

Could the Labour government usher in a new era for digital assets, ask Keith Oliver, head of international, and Amalia Neenan FitzGerald, associate, Peters & Peters, in this week’s NLJ

An extra bit is being added to case citations to show the pecking order of the judges concerned. Former district judge Stephen Gold has the details, in his ‘Civil way’ column in this week’s NLJ

The Labour government’s position on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is not yet clear
